Dear Posterity,
Sunday is truly the best day of the whole week! We spend the day as a family and avoid all electronics as well as reading anything that doesn't come from church headquarters. We love to sit around and play music together. We'll turn off the heat in the winter and the AC in the summer so we can be closer to our pioneer ancestors. We're blessed to only live 1 1/2 miles from church so we don't even need to use the car to get around on Sunday! I'll confess that sometimes Peter does use the car when he's speaking at a ward on the other side of the stake that is 10 miles away, but it was a matter of weighing the consequences. We decided it would be more spiritually beneficial to spend more time with the family then to walk to and from that meeting. It was a decision we prayed about and fasted about intently.
Yesterday afternoon we played together and sang together from the Hymnbook. Elijah played the piano (he is so great! Such a talent for him), and our 'family string quartet' also joined in. They're getting so good! All of our children play the piano starting at the age of 2 1/2 and then at the age of five they get to choose a string instrument or flute (music that is appropriate for Sacrament Meeting and all). Once they've mastered that they may move on from there to other instruments of their choice. We also practice singing as a family regularly. On Sunday Caleb as on the bass, Adam was on the cello, Deborah was playing viola and Bethany was on the violin.
Music is such a blessing in our home. We're so blessed that I quite the accomplished musician and I teach my children piano and string instruments. What a gift that is in our home!
We spent some time yesterday writing to grandparents that are on missions as well. Of course by the time we got to that it was starting to get dark- so we used candlelight! What a fun tradition in our home that is!
I hope your Sabbath was as wonderful as mine!
Love, Molly
1. Music and my gift of teaching it.
2. Wonderful children.
3. Umbrellas (it was raining today! How blessed are we for umbrellas to keep us dry as we walked!)
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
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