Dear Posterity,
We take emergency preparedness very seriously here in Sister Molly's house. We have 72 hour kits that we're ready to leave with at any moment. Twice a year we practice with our kits with no warning. After all in a real emergency we wouldn't have any time to prepare! Peter picks an emergency scenario and informs us of what it is- we have 5 minutes to be out of the house and headed to safety!
This time Peter called from work and told us that we were going to pretend we were in California and the fire was coming towards our house and it was a mandatory evacuation. Because of the fires there wasn't any gas at stations for a 100 mile radius so we couldn't get gas for at least 100 miles! He couldn't come home to us and we couldn't pick him up. So we loaded up both Suburbans (yes, we let Adam drive in emergencies!) and headed to our predetermined meeting point to join up with Peter.
We drove until we were out of the "danger zone" and set up camp in a wilderness area and lived with just what we had in our 72 hour kits for 72 hours! Luckily I keep a journal in mine so I don't miss a day of writing. We've been doing this for years and we find it's a great way to combine self sufficiency with family time!
We generally come away with learning of a couple of things that we need so that we can be better prepared next time. I'll never forget the drill when we realized that we needed to have more jello! I can't believe that we ran out- but we still survived.
With all the fires in California we need to remember to pray for the sinners who are fighting against the will of the people. If they would just soften their hearts and repent the fires would go out.
Sister Molly
P.S. Speaking of preparedness, you do know that with Obama in office the cost of bullets and guns are going to skyrocket because of taxes right? Stockpile now!! (That's your tip of the day!) Thankfully we'd purchased an additional 2,000 bullets last week (it's getting harder and harder to buy bullets! I wish I could get them at Costco!) We keep a couple rifles and ammunition in our 72 hour kits- you never know when you'll need them.
1. Gun and ammo sales at Walmart!
2. Preparedness
3. Quality family time
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
I guess my husband saw the future when he bought all of his wonderful guns. Yay for shooting!
umm, actually, the price of guns and ammo went up before the election because rednecks thought there'd be a revolution if a black man took office. so far so revolution yet. Maybe you can use that for your next drill.
oh, and also, they thought that certain guns who's moratoriums had run out, would be taken off the shelves again because they thought Obama had gun-control tops on his list of things to do first day in office.
Great tips...gotta update our 72 hour kit. It's not quite up to the level of preparedness yours is.
I just hope if there is an emergency we have enough gas to join you so you can protect us from the mobs. We don't have a gun.
I imagine you are more of a Sam's Club member than Costco - I'm surprised!
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